Thursday, July 30, 2009

Roske Kiddos

Here is a quick collage and pictures we took today of the Roske kids:

Please note Cole's awesome grass mustache in the main photo... haha classic.

My favorite pic of Taylor

I think it's a love hate kind of thing... :)

And to finish it off some bike jumping pictures... you just gotta have them!

Sorry Cadeo i had a heck of a time getting one of you in focus.


Randilynn said...

so on your last post when you mentioned you had to take the sun spot out of the girls' do you do that. i need lessons :) you do great work Amanda :)

The Mint Chocolate Chip Inn said...

So great to see your new photos. You are doing WONDERFUL!!

Jessie Woolstenhulme said...

you little could just call me and say, "hey make a watch". However, I do feel quite professional when you comment on the blog ha ha. i will make one for you! i owe ya anyway! i actually have a purple face right now. when do you need it by?